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Scapula Drawing


Updated: May 30, 2022

This blog shows the progress and the final artworks of the Scapula drawing from the Anatomy- Body system session.

For this work, I referenced real scapula. I draw scapula from several different views in order to understand 3-dimensional structure.

This is the scapula drawing before feedback. In order to show the gauziness of the scapula, I flashed the light behind the scapula that I referenced. However, it was too dramatic lighting for the original purpose of the illustration - to convey information- so I need to use less dramatic lighting. In order to make the scapula less characteristic, I need to double-check the Inferior angle, lateral border and spine.

This is the final drawing of the scapula. I use less dramatic light contrast. Also, the Inferior angle, lateral border and spine have been corrected. I use Adobe Photoshop for index.

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